The Dark Knight
Incredible. Amazing. Disturbing. Powerful...
This is one of the best movies I have seen in a VERY long time.
It was also the most emotionally draining movie I have seen in a VERY long time. The film takes you up and down and keeps you on the edge of your seat and and struggling to keep up for the full 2.5 hours. It is so well written and so well executed that time stops, the adrenaline takes over and you never quite know where this is going. Christopher Nolan is my new screenwriting idol.
Every performance was very good. I was skeptical about the buzz around Heath Ledger's 'Oscar worthy performance'. I thought it's all just hype and people are only saying that because he passed away and it's just a ploy by Warner Bros. Marketing department... But as I watched him, I was disturbed, as was intended and I actually agree. It really was an Oscar worthy performance. Watching him, and knowing he is no longer alive certainly makes his performance more powerful, but I think I would have still been moved even if he was still alive.
The story is exceptional. This movie is the new standard for the Superhero movie. The bar has just been raised. They take classic Batman characters and situations and modernize them. They make it feel so real and so relevent that the plot and themes really hit home. Go see it. Then go see Tropic Thunder to clear your emotional pallet!!
9.5 out of 10
Monday, August 4, 2008
Movie Review: The Dark Knight
Posted by
10:45 AM
Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
Tropic Thunder
Loved it.
Ben Stiller returns to directing for the first time (I believe) since Zoolander (also one of my favorite films).
Tropic Thunder is very funny, mildly demented, a little crude, but totally fun. The story unfolds nicely and keep you laughing and totally entertained from start to finish. Everyone does a great job.
The stand out performance is Tom Cruise! He was hysterical! If they gave out Oscars for Comedy Tom would be nominated for this movie. I loved that they don’t even advertise him as being in the movie (smart) and then he delivers the best performance in the movie.
I definitely recommend this film, especially if you like Ben Stiller style (dark and slap-sticky) comedy.
9 out of 10
Posted by
10:42 AM
Show Biz Idiots
Show Biz Idiots
Add Shia LaDoof to the list of Show Biz idiots.
I was a big fan of him. He is a good actor and had so much promise. But I have no respect for people that drink and drive. I have even less respect for people that drink and drive and then put hundreds (if not thoudsands) of people out of work. Production for Transformers 2 was halted because of Shia’s idiocracy. The selfishness, shamelessness and total immaturity of people that have the world at there finger tips is incredible to me.
I sincerely hope Shia does not develop ‘Paris Hilton syndrome’. That’s when you get a sense of entitlement and feelings like you are above the law, followed by elevated drug and alcohol use. Soon you become totally worthless to society.
It kills me to see young people that have so much and see so little. Why they don’t see the need to give back to a world that has given them so much. How come they can’t see that they are (were) role models for people and that they uniquely have the power to make the world a better place.
It kills me to watch them do the exact opposite.
It kills me to see the decline of America in the faces and actions of the Paris Hiltons, Shia LeBoufs, and Kardashians…
Can somebody please turn it off?
Posted by
10:41 AM
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest
You cannot at once be for ‘Off Shore Drilling’ and slowing Climate Change.
You cannot be for moving away from oil and spending billions for FIND and drill for it.
You cannot simultaneously prepare for and prevent war.
You can’t be moving away from oil and be searching for more.
It is possible to have a Green, Oil Free, Energy Independent economy.
It’s insane to believe Obama is to blame for high oil prices.
It’s well established Dick Cheney met with big Oil in 2001 when America created it’s new energy policy that lowered the MPG of cars and discouraged conservation.
Raising the MPG by 2 in 2001 would have saved more than double the oil in ANWR.
America can lead the world.
The world needs to go green; before it goes dead.
The world has 6 billion people, and will have 9 billion by 2025. That’s a lot of carbon emissions from just there breathing.
Green technology is the future.
Black technology (coal, oil) is the past.
We can’t dwell in the past.
We must move into the future.
If we had started moving into the future in 2001 (not the past) I would easily have $200 extra dollars a month (gas savings) in my pocket.
I want an electric car that I can charge from the Solar Panels on my roof.
I don’t want to spend money on oil anymore.
Even if it is from the US.
Why does McCain want me to keep spending money on oil?
I would rather spend my money on me.
America should be the future, not the past.
America should be looking for renewable energy, not polluting energy.
You can’t be for a better world, cleaner air and enviornments, higher quality of life and drilling for more oil. It’s a conflict of interest.
Demand a better world, demand that America lead the way.
Posted by
10:40 AM