Like I said before, I think John McCain is a good person. I truly beleive he means well.
I liked him a lot more before he backed down on his torture bill. As the ONLY person in the US Senate who had actually been held and tortured I expected him to stand his ground and get real change made. Instead he backed down to all of the Bush/Cheney administration demands and nothing changed. That was a chance to show real leadership and in my mind he didn't.
Fast forward to today and the crisis gripping the nation and John McCain again is not showing leadership or insight.
Giving a press conference suspending his campaign? Is this a joke?
First of all we are a little over a month away from the elections so 'suspending' your campaign doesn't sound wise.
You can't turn off the media. You can't step out of it.
Why would you want to do that anyway?
You campaign to win? Right? What other purpose does it serve? Why then would 'suspend' something that is set up to win you the presidential office?
"So I can go to Washington and focus on the Fiancial Crisis"
The Economy has never been McCains strong suit, and this ECONOMIC CRISIS is not going anywhere any time soon. This does not bode well for McCain. We need a president who has a strong understanding of the economy and the Economy has never been McCains strong suit.
Friday, September 26, 2008
John McCain
Posted by
12:38 PM
Music: The Faint
I recently discovered this band by sheer chance, and I love their music!
They have a great sound. It's very neo-80's. Electro clash with extra electro.
They have great lyrics, excellent beats and melodies. I look forward to more of there music.
We Get Seduced!
Posted by
12:32 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Decline of America
The decline of America can be seen in the following shows:
I love New York
I love Money
The Real World
America's Got Talent <---- people actually watch this????
anything with Flava Flav
it's really sad
Posted by
2:07 PM
Deal or No Deal
I am getting so sock of this show.
The only reason this show, and other lame gameshows are doing so well right now is because people need the money!
Posted by
2:06 PM
Lakeview Terrace
Samuel L. Jackson plays an angry black man...
I feel like every movie I have ever seen him in he plays the same character.
The Angry black man who is pissed off and yells a lot. The only thing that seems to change is his dialogue.
Posted by
2:01 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Entourage 5
Not really digging it.
At first I could not buy Adrian Grenier as big star. And now since he never really rose up, and his acting has never gotten good, I really can't buy it.
I like Kevin Dillon, he's a cool guy. But his character is not making sense to me. They put him in situations that make him look so old. In the newest episode there is a part where he is posing with like ten other models and it is GLARINGLY obvious that his is like 15-20 years older then all of them. No amount of makeup can hide this.
Turtle was always repulsive to me. I can know that there are actual weasly type people like him out there so he fills a nitch or something, but I can't stand him. Jerry Farrar who plays him is also the so baby-ish and anoying it's too much.
Kevin Connelly can't tuck in his shirts because then he looks as short as he really is.
Jeremy Piven is Ari Gold only without the wit, and more of the attitude and sense of entitlement. Piven is by far one of the most 'evil' people I have ever come across.
I think the show peaked at season three. Season four was bad. I worked on that season in the production office. I can tell you first hand the whole season was an excuse for the writers (who phoned the whole season in) to go to Cannes. None of them would be able to ever go otherwise...
The show had so much potential but I don't think they are giving it the creative attention, they are getting lazy and I think it means the end of the show
Posted by
5:07 PM
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
1) Immigration
Immigration is a major issue that MUST be dealt with in the very near future.
Let's pretend that America is an all you can eat buffet. You pay your fee and you get a plate. The fee covers the food. There is plenty of food and it’s good. Then people start to sneak in the back door. They grab a plate and help themselves, not paying the fee. They bring other people in and they don’t pay either. Soon the restaurant is not a pleasant. The lines are longer and the food quality begins to decline. Some of these people are caught. They say they will wash dishes to pay for their food. Soon the dishwashers are out of a job because of all the people working off there food. But the food has never gotten better. Many people can’t afford to order off the menu so they are stuck in long lines, paying there fee (even though some aren’t) and getting bad service and food.
The food is American schools, hospitals, and social services. The fee is your taxes.
Immigration is a contentious issue. But it is actually very simple.
America is not capable of handling everyone that wants to come here. It would be great if it could, but it can’t. The more people that come the more strained America gets. A weak America will not be able to help anyone.
America needs to:
1) Do a full accounting of who is here.
2) Stop people from coming here illegally
3) End the reasons they come (free services)
4) Determine who goes immediately and forever –i.e. violent criminals
5) Determine who will never be eligible for citizenship --petty criminals
6) Determine who can be put on a path to citizenship, if there is a fine associated.
7) Create a powerful efficient temporary worker program.
It is unfair to the people who followed the laws and took the legal path to citizenship, to just grant citizenship to people who did not.
America has laws. Laws must be followed and enforced or society will break down and decline. It’s time to enforce the laws on the books. This is not about race or anything other than laws, money and the economy.
I know it seems harsh, but tough times call for tough measures. I further believe that it is time to alter the ‘Birth-right Citizenship’. Citizenship should no longer be granted to the children of illegal immigrants. Citizenship should on be granted to legal immigrants children. This falls under #3.
The argument that enforcing immigration laws will break apart families is unfounded. The children follow the parents, it’s very simple.
The immigration issue is closely linked to the crisis in healthcare, the problems with schools and the economy woes. You cannot address those issues without addressing immigration and immigrants.
Again, I know it can comes off as harsh. But there is no such thing as a free lunch. Because if there is, someone else’s lunch suffers. If America can’t help itself and get it’s house in order it will not be in a position to help others.
Posted by
3:38 PM
Change is in the air...
A little change will do you good... Change we shall have.
I have learned a lot these last couple years. I tend to lean left, because the environment is at the top of my list.
I was a Hillary fan, but I can get onto the Barack bandwagon. I like his message. He has aligned himself with and won the support prominent leaders, thinkers and powers. His lack of experience means he is learning and is open to new ideas, new thinking; and this is what America needs.
"You can't teach an old dog new tricks"
With no disrespect, John McCain is an old dog. A good and loyal one, but he ain't learning no new tricks if you follow me...
America is on the precipice. The future is uncertain. Luckily this is the greatest country in the world, with the most versatile economy in the world. America is ready for a leader with a vision, a leader of the future, a person the world will rally behind. I can't see John McCain as that person.
Sarah Palin worries me a bit. She has dirty oil on her hands, and is very much an unknown quantity with unknown agenda. Personally I can see her opening up ANWR for drilling and deciding that the bridges to nowhere are back on the table. I think she is the result of advisors, stratagizors, and polling. He chose his running mate after only meeting her once. She is an attempt to inject life and some kind of enthusiasm into the McCain campaign. People should be weary of her agenda, her energy policies, and her lack of experience. While she has "used the veto pen" and "has Executive experience" there is huge difference between running a 7/11 and a 'Super-Wal-mart'. It's better to know the power players of 'Wal-mart', deal with them, know there style how they do business, than it is to not know or have met them but know what it's like run a tiny company.
I think John McCain is a good guy. He has a great story and is a real war hero. But I don't think he is what America needs right now.
America needs vibrancy. It needs charisma. It needs change. America needs to show the world that it is moving forward.
Posted by
3:20 PM
Going Green
Going Green
‘Going green’ is a term that gets thrown around a lot these days. Many people don’t really know what it means.
Or worse many people think they know but are wrong.
Or worse still they don’t care.
Being green more than driving a Pirus, shopping at Whole Foods, or putting out your recycling for the bums.
Going Green is about waking up the environment; seeing it as the living breathing organism that it is. The environment gives us life and learning how to lessen your impact upon it in a macro and micro way for the betterment of everyone, every living thing is what “Going Green” means. Going green means taking our environmental impact to nill and then restoring the parts that have been lost; creating green spaces where ever possible. It means moving into an era where clean renewable energy and renewable products are the only consumed in use.
Saving energy helps but it is not enough. Carpooling, turning off lights, and buying organic is a good start, but it will not be enough. It’s time that America lead the worlds green revolution. Going Green locally is a good start but it won’t get us to the finish. It is time for America to engage with the rest of the world and help other countries with there Green revolutions. It is far easier to reduce the pollution in developing countries than it is at home or in Europe, so it is best if we do so.
Pollution is a global terror. It kills millions, costs billions and leaves irreparable damage in it’s wake. Pollution knows no border and is a friend to no one. If your business pollutes or harms the environment your business hurts has no future.
In 19th century London a famous Economist was quoted as stating that “at current population projections, and current growth rates and the number horses and buggies London will be buried in manure in 50 years!” What he failed to see was that human innovation always steps up. Shorty after that, the car came along, then the subway, and today you would be hard pressed to find any manure in London at all.
The point is: The world is not ending. Global Warming is not going to kill us all.
That does not mean the threat doesn’t exist.
It means that it is time for the innovators the to get to work. It is time to remake the world and rid it of all the pollution / manure!
Posted by
3:19 PM