Muse is a great word. It means to think to one's self as a verb, and as a noun it means a goddess who provides over Arts and Sciences.
muse |myoōz|verb [ intrans. ]be absorbed in thought : he was musing on the problems he faced.• [with direct speech ] say to oneself in a thoughtful manner : “I think I've seen him somewhere before,” mused Rachel.• ( muse on) gaze thoughtfully at.
Muse |myoōz|noun(in Greek and Roman mythology) each of nine goddesses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who preside over the arts and sciences.• ( muse) a woman, or a force personified as a woman, who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.
Postmodern Muse |pōstˈmädərˌnizəm||myoōz|
A man or woman who is unbaisedly considered good at:
• Providing the best advice and council for friends, family, fans and fellow dreamers and creative thinkers.
• Being able to talk about Art & Science and Philosophy and Metaphysics as well as Beauty and the nature of how it affects us, in the moment, in the past and in the future; i.e. 'wax poetic' with great intellect and intertextual contextual retrospect.
• Words! Be great with words, and best in person. Witty. Fun. Humorous. Interesting and Informative.
• Helping people see what they want, visualize and imagine, and figure out how to get it, make it, or do it, or create it.
• Listening, Visualizing and conversating effortlessly and fluidly from topic to topic, exploring topics, possibilities or options, brain storming, making connections, mind opening.* (*is essential for the Postmodern muse.)
• Finding the truth in every situation, and working from there to strategize, problem-solve, or resolve the situation, or make a creative breakthrough; and better the future.
• Amusing. A Postmodern Muse is always amusing.
Postmodern Muse |pōstˈmädərˌnizəm||myoōz|
A man or woman who is unbaisedly considered good at:
• Providing the best advice and council for friends, family, fans and fellow dreamers and creative thinkers.
• Being able to talk about Art & Science and Philosophy and Metaphysics as well as Beauty and the nature of how it affects us, in the moment, in the past and in the future; i.e. 'wax poetic' with great intellect and intertextual contextual retrospect.
• Words! Be great with words, and best in person. Witty. Fun. Humorous. Interesting and Informative.
• Helping people see what they want, visualize and imagine, and figure out how to get it, make it, or do it, or create it.
• Listening, Visualizing and conversating effortlessly and fluidly from topic to topic, exploring topics, possibilities or options, brain storming, making connections, mind opening.* (*is essential for the Postmodern muse.)
• Finding the truth in every situation, and working from there to strategize, problem-solve, or resolve the situation, or make a creative breakthrough; and better the future.
• Amusing. A Postmodern Muse is always amusing.