>> Da Vinci is best known as the painter behind "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper," though he also was an inventor, engineer, architect, mathematician among many other occupations. The project re-imagines Da Vinci as a member of a secret society who falls headlong into a supernatural adventure that pits the man against Biblical demons in a story involving secret codes, lost civilizations, hidden fortresses and fallen angels. Think "National Treasure" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark" by way of "Clash of the Titans." <<
Title: "Leonardo da Vinci and the Soldiers of Forever"
What do you think?
Warner Bros. just bought it as a treatment.
I think the market for my script/story just got better! After all I would love to see that film made. Sounds really interesting. That is what millions of people out there are looking for in cinema. There should be lots of films in that model…
And I actually have a completed script and almost completed treatment for two more! I am currently finalizing a draft of “Part 1” for the Nicholl's Fellowship April 1st Deadline.
But this turn of events got me thinking...
In light of this development, I have decided to explore going out with my script and concept right now.
* * * Open letter * * *
Dear Competing Hollywood Studios (Especially you Disney!),
I feel the time has come, to roll out more of my story and concept. The market is moving in a new direction, and I humbly offer a vehicle going just that way. A trail blazing script...
First I must say, I love this new direction Hollywood is taking. This exploration of new technologies, and new ideas in cinema. We can make anything we can imagine these days, and we can do it really well. Whether it's exploring new worlds on 'Pandora' in Avatar, or as in the case of my script “Pharaoh” which explores the ancient world (in all it's glory), the future (and all we imagine it to be), and a fantastic Futuristic Antiquity we only dream of…
>> Warners seems eager to make more projects involving a period setting, a historical figure and the fantastical. Last week, the studio picked up a pitch that has Francis Lawrence attached to direct a supernatural tale featuring explorer Marco Polo, and it's back in business with "Holmes" director Guy Ritchie on a King Arthur project. <<
Other smart Studios are on to this as well.
Enter my script…
The Da Vinci Code meets The Matirx by way of Avatar / Alice in Wonderland (created dynamic, colorful, beautiful worlds).
Elements of Lord of the Rings and Minority Report
A Professor "David" researching the Pyramids in Egypt stumbles into a secret so profound it changes the world forever. He is tapped by the Leader of 'The Order' --the most powerful secret society on Earth, to find the truth about this secret, this artifact called the 'Aton' (The Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail rolled into one). David and his family become caught in the generational power struggle within the Order, for control of the world and of humanity. The power hungry Son of the Leader "Darius" orchestrates a Coup, takes over the Order and sets off a chain reaction of events that creates: Artificial Intelligence. A.I. will destroy humanity as we know it if something is not done. Humanity has one hope: "The Pharaoh". He can be brought back by using the Aton and David figures out how. But David is not in a position to get this monumental task of bringing the Pharaoh back accomplished. David has been compromised by mind control technology and an unlikely Hero emerges from within the Order to help. The Leader’s Grandson steps in and takes over the project to get the Pharaoh cloned / born. He must now save David, and the world, and if the secrets are true; he can.
Part 1 of 3
40% - The Da Vinci Code
30% - The Matrix
10% - Minority Report
10% - James Bond
9% - Stargate
1% - Lord of the Rings
This story incorporates ancient mysteries, conspiracy theories, cutting edge science and religious symbolism to create a world of intrigue and wonder. A world where fantasy is the reality…
People want to understand reality, they want to explore it, and if you can "suspend your disbelief" easily, it makes a film more enjoyable, the impact that much stronger and the experience that much more moving and entertaining.
This story gets the benefit of controversial topics, while avoiding any sort of defamation to religion, science, individuals or groups. It manages to stay politically/religiously fair and neutral while still being ground breaking and cutting edge in it’s detail, content and structure.
The story emphaisises the ideas of global unity and explores the human experience of all races, creeds and cultures since the beginning of civilization. It’s a story with global appeal and universal themes.
It will stir up great interest and get free publicity a la “Passion of the Christ” and “The Da Vinci Code” but it is not shocking or divisive. It’s only message is that the world is a fantastic place.
Blending ‘comic book’ and super-hero style fantasy with historical ideas and events gives the story a feeling of realism, but the fun of being larger than life.
It’s like The Matrix in that it’s about one mans journey into a world he never expected, though he suspected it was there. A world where the rules and ways he thought were immovable, are actually not even real.
‘The Da Vinci Code’ was about Holy Blood and the secrets and dangers that surround it. This story takes this concept to a whole new level, expanding and exploring it from the ancient past to the future. The story explores the mythos of secret societies. futuristic antiquities and the future.
It creates a mythos out of the modern world, similar to how 'Lord of the Rings' is a mythos of pre-industrial Europe. The details of the mythos are deep and constructed to be multi-interpretive for everyone. They are fine if taken at surface value, but can hold weight if you press them, they are universal human ideals.
It has elements of ‘Minority Report’, in that it goes into the future where machines and minds are merging and what happens to us when this occurs.
I drew on elements of Star Wars, including the ideas of secret ‘Brotherhoods’ (like the Jedi) that guard over civilization.
‘Stargate’ is another classic film that plays on the unsolved mysteries of Egypt and begins with the premiss that the Sphinx is far older than history tells us. My story begins with a similar premiss: There is more to the pyramids than we thought.
Egyptian History is shrouded in mystery… and that is why it’s so interesting. That’s why you see Egyptian symbols all over the world and in countless Hollywood blockbusters including the recent ‘Transformers 2’. This subject is great for Hollywood because it is recognizable all over the world = $$$
‘The Mummy’ was hugely successful because it was great story and people love all things Egypt. It also blened biblical legend and fantasy beautifully. My script does the same thing.
My script would make the perfect 3-D film! It explores not only fantasy ancient worlds, but also the future. Tons of room for effects innovation in this story. With a real and deep universal story and 'Avatar' style effects and sequences this project would be a huge success; I know it.
Because the film would be so story and effects driven, it could be done with relatively unknown actors. But there are some great parts written just for rising stars.
Pharaoh is a 'James Bond' style action adventure --jetting all over the world, and would take the audience to places they always dreamed existed, and awlays wanted to see.
An 'Indiana Jones' adventure but with a grown up story and a grounding in factual reality to truly dazzle the even most discerning of minds. Yet the story is still simple enough on the surface to be enjoyed by all ages.
Being grounded in reality; i.e. feeling more realistic, or neo-realistic, is definitely the trend these days. 'Batman: The Dark Knight' is a good example of this, whereas "Batman and Robin" was not grounded in any sort of reality at all.
So my point is:
The market is ready for this story.
I'm a new writer, but I'm not new to Hollywood. I have followed the markets and trends religiously for the past 8 years. I have developed a keen sense of where things are going. I'm new, but so is the technology, and this new wave/direction. Hollywood thrives on new blood and new ideas. I have tons.
"Pharaoh" is a story that is ahead of it's time, but that's perfect because, when it comes out in two years it will be right on time! You gotta think ahead (all you Hollywood studios)... things are starting to move fast. And only shows signs of accelerating...
It’s an exciting time to be in show biz.
A completed polished script ready to be read:
Email me if you want to see some pages.
See Also: http://mr-postmodernistic.blogspot.com/2010/04/pharaoh-pitch.html
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Market for Pharaoh got better...
Posted by
12:36 PM
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