Someone once asked me: Have you been reading some kind of "positive thinking" books lately?
I said, I have read them in the past, but they reafirmed what I already knew, and hold true. Positive thinking works, if you truly, actually think and stay positive.
It's funny how it became "trendy" or “in” and then "out" like it's a scarf. That shows that most people do not understand the depth and power of “postive thinking.” The hidden purpose of "positive thinking" is that if you are truly a positive person, you will make your surroundings more positive/energized/happy. If you are not truly creating a postive energy or “vibe” you will not be making your surroundings more energized, and thus will not be feeding into a system that will make your life more positive. It’s like wishing for more money in the bank, but never putting any money in the bank.
Most people think watching a movie or following a "trend" will make them “positive” or “prosperous.” It’s not quite that simple or that easy. Too many people are not willing to do the (internal) "work" required to become a positive/uplifting person. Work like, letting go of anger and resentment, identifying and correcting negative forces or actions in your life/lifestyle, ect. First you “think positive” then you must “act postivie”, many people do not take that critical next step. Taking the step means consciously realizing you have a choice to make things positive, negative, or neutral/indifferent.
Choose positive. Sometimes this requires some inner strength, but it’s that choice to rise above, to take the high road, the uplifting way, that will raise your energy and put “money” in your positivity “bank.”
Money by the way has nothing to do with being postive. Some of the most negative people in the world are fabulously wealthy – albiet spiritually poor. Being positive can make you more materially wealthy, but that comes from helping ground you in what you really want, and opening the doors to real happiness.
We must get rid of the notion that you can watch a movie, or read a book and -- POOF! -- You are now a positive person! It’s misguided.
You know how some people just want to just take a pill to be thin, "fit" or healthy? They lose some weight, maybe look good/better but they are not really thin, they are just malnourished. It's fake. Soon they crack -- "go negative" -- and gain back all the weight and more. They never become the 'healthy thin' they dream about because they don't/won't do the work. You can no more pretend to be positive than a sick person pretends to be healthy. Don’t get stuck in that cycle.
I have always been a naturally optimistic and positive person. My Mother was the same way. "Be true to yourself, uplifiting/positive towards others and do what you love." Every Many dreams I have dreamed, and pursued has come true. Because I do the work. I'm realistic, driven and I'm smart. I don’t drag anyone down. I only ever bring them up, or walk away – be neutral at the minimum. I won't let negative people/things drag me down. If I was you I wouldn't either.
My generation has to be positive. The world seems to be falling apart faster everyday, and the least productive thing to do is whine and complain; that’s what I see too much of.
Don’t sit and tell yourself and others "there is nothing I can do" or "I give up".
Giving up on being positive, is giving up on yourself; on self improvement and on the world. Make a difference in the world. Make the world a better place, and be willing to do the work to make it so. Just by doing what you love, and "being positive" you’re helping.
I wish more people would. But it seems to me, lots of people just like to focus on tearing people down. Being negative. These are not positive people and they will never be truly happy or successful, even if they become materially successful in the process.
You can't save the world, but you can save/uplift yourself. If everyone did that, imagine how great the world would be.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Being Positive
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6:17 PM
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