
Seeing is not always believing and believing is more than seeing

Monday, August 1, 2011

Guerilla Marketing

I had some pretty "big" screenwriters offer me feedback on my script (on a screenplay forum), for which I am grateful and humbled. Not all of them liked my style, or liked me -- so they said -- but they all seemed to agree the premise of PHARAOH is solid.

They all read a script part I posted. Which is all I wanted. Some read it with the intention of trying to bring me down, or to try and make my writing look bad, but all that really matters is that they read it! They were interested enough to read it, which is what's important.

I'm not some major Hollywood insider or writer, but everyone has to start somewhere, right?

What makes me happy is that I was able to hold my own with some top screenwriters in Hollywood, and that they now know who I am. I love that they read my script, and that had interest in me. What more can you ask for?

I know my methods are unorthodox -- or unknown to some -- and sometimes I get people riled up, or upset with my *postmodern* guerilla marketing strategies, but just remember one thing:

It worked! Lot's of people -- several Pro Hollywood screenwriters -- read my script PHARAOH!

"People that like Howard Stern listen for 1 hour. People that hate Howard Stern listen for 3 hours" -- as the saying goes.

I didn't hurt anyone, or insult anyone in my marketing, as some people did me. I didn't ask or tell anyone to read it. All I did was tell people about my script, put myself and my thoughts about it out there. People could take it or leave it.

Lots of people took it, and partook. That's all that matters. Even if they say they hated it. What matters to me is that they read it. That they were interested, and that it's in their head now...

It's like selling a house. I had an open house -- open script! -- and lots of people came and looked. That's what you want! You want lots of people to come and look. Even if they aren't in the market. It's the buzz that's important! If you have an open house and tons of people roll through, that's a good thing!! That means your marketing is working!

I put my 'PHARAOH' algorithm into the Hollywood/Screenwriters 'consciousness network' and after I did, it took on a life of it's own. I quickly realized the script is far FAR bigger than me, and it's going to take someone really big to helm it.

PHARAOH is so big -- story wise, 3-D production wise -- only someone big like Chris Nolan, or James Cameron can get it made. Only someone big can do a really big story justice.

Therein lies the problem for me, because it's really hard to get someone like them interested in a script from a 'baby-writer' like me -- since they can have any script they want. I have to show them why they want PHARAOH.

All I can do hope my "ethereal algorithms" do what they are written to do. If they don't, I'll just write more, until one does!

If you are wondering how do you get people to read your script...

Be creative! Whatever works! Just be yourself and have fun!

That's what I did. That's what it's all about.

For an (unsold) writer like me, you need to get people to read your stuff. That's the only way to get someone interested in you, and wanting to buy your work. No one will buy a house/script they (or someone they trust) don't see/read. Getting people to read it and give you feedback will help/make you grow and learn. That's what I want to to do, grow and learn.

I know my script isn't perfect -- no script is -- and my formatting is avant-garde. I don't expect it to meet the wildly varied expectations of everyone, or every "Pro" or that reads it. What script could?

How many "Pros" scripts could do that? Not many.

How many of the scripts that sell every year could do that? Even fewer.

I'm not saying PHARAOH did/does, all I'm saying is let's be realistic about our expectations. Some people will tell you: "It has to be perfect or it will never sell!" -- even though they know this to be false.

Good scripts can make bad movies, and bad scripts can make good movies. There is plenty of room for excellence if the underlying story is solid, and the talent attached sees the vision.

The "bones" of PHARAOH are solid. The story is profound. The concept has universal appeal.

It just has to work. The vast majority of the movie going public just want a good story. They just want to be entertained!

And entertaining people is what I do best!

I'm obviously not the best screenwriter to enter Hollywood. I'm just getting started, after all. But at least I'm here, putting stuff out there, ready to learn, and willing to engage. Hopefully entertaining! I keep it civil and don't insult people or go around trying to tear people down. That's not my style. I want to learn, and I want to help people... or at least have fun trying!

Playing (postmodern) games, and changing/challenging perspectives, making people look at thing differently is my style. Sure I can be defensive sometimes, but that's all part of the game/fun.

If you don't think it's fun, don't play! No need to get defensive about it!

I never play anyone for a fool, and I never assumed anyone is a fool. I don't think anyone should do so with me either.

I assure you, I'm no fool. I'm simply inventing/exploring was to play the Hollywood game, which is what it's all about.

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