
Seeing is not always believing and believing is more than seeing

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I love/live Art

Ever since I was a small child, I could never get enough information about things.  I would sometimes read the encyclopedia for hours as a child.  I enjoyed it, I always wanted to know more.  I wanted to build a better "big picture" of the world.  But the more I knew, the more I knew I didn't know, you know?  I know now, that while I see the "big picture" better than ever, I also see that it is so big -- infinite -- that you can/will never see all of it.  But the better and more quickly you do see a big/bigger picture of the situational topic essence, the more useful and insightful/creative information you have recall of and skill for, the more amusing, valuable and fulfilled you are.  Being and/or appearing smART -- with words and wit -- is also an art.  I love/live Art.

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