
Seeing is not always believing and believing is more than seeing

Thursday, September 12, 2013



I believe in exceptionalism.

I believe there are exceptional things, exceptional people, exceptional nature, exceptional times and exceptional needs.

America has exceptional power to help bring justice, peace and aid to the world.  I believe that it is in the world's best interest that conflicts be resolved, crimes punished and violence be contained – so that happiness is pursuable as best as is possible.  People are not happy when they live in terror and violence.

America has an exceptional capacity to build and create, just as it does to bomb and destroy.  I think we should move away from nihilism – destroying that which is deemed unusable – and instead consider stabilizing and building long term.  Syria, Egypt, Israel and Iraq have had a tumultuous past, and the last few years have brought increased instability and destruction, and seemingly endless violence across the region.  The world can do better for the Middle East, and the Middle East can and should do better for itself.  In my opinion it's time to build-to-last, and start thinking long term about the conflicts in that historic region.  We must think how best to mitigate and resolve the conflicts, end the senseless and preventable violence, and grow the world economy in the process.

Every country should look for its exceptional qualities and use them to the benefit of all.

Washington DC needs exceptional people, with exceptional political skills and legal minds, to solve it's exceptionally complex problems.

Silicon Valley is exceptional in that it is a world Mecca for technological entrepreneurs, a global hub and home to some the world’s most vibrant and flourishing startups and startup community.  Apple, Google, Facebook and Twitter are all exceptional startup companies by the numbers – and unique in the world in that the way that people use them opens up new platforms and more value. 

Wall Street is always looking for exceptional legal, money, finance, business and economics minds.  You have to be a rocket scientist these days to understand what the numbers are saying…  Most people don’t think in the trillions.  You need to have an exceptional grasp of economics, and real world (global)logistics, not just numbers anymore. 

America is exceptional in many ways – most notably our economic and military power.  But America is also exceptional in its idealistic foundation.  America is the grand experiment in Democracy, and The Republic.  The American Republic stands for freedom, liberty and justice for all.  The Republic is built on natural law and the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

I find it exceptional and fascinating.

America is far from perfect and democracy has its flaws.  But I believe the ideals of the Constitution, and our foundation should guide the body politic.

America is a global stage, a country and population of people from all over the world.  Immigrants, drawn to the American dream, freedom, banded together and created an exceptional and incredible country – unique in the history of the world.

California is exceptional.  California is the most ethnically diverse and populous state, with an economy larger than most countries.  California is also exceptionally American in that it represents is essentially the edge of 'Western Civilization' and western push by the ‘Age of Enlightenment’ and revolutionary thinking of early Americans.   Explorers, adventurers, entrepreneurs, and artists from the east and west have come to California, and still do.  California is the end of the line on the famous coast to coast rail line trains from the East coast of America. 

Los Angeles is exceptional in many ways.  It’s an alpha city with a dynamic, topography, weather, culture, and history that is very unique in the world.  Los Angeles is the only major city in the world with a mountain range running through it, splitting its vastness virtually in half.  The American dreamers who came to California and Los Angeles, and continue to come, myself included, are an interesting, and I would say exceptional bunch.  I consider dreamers and builders to be exceptional, because they often value creativity the most.  Happiness is essential to creativity, and creativity can do the exceptional.  The vibrant and exceptional creative community in Los Angeles, from all corners of the world, have formed an exceptional art, media and innovation machine that has changed the world. And in my mind will continue to do so.  If you can change the world, you can make it better.  As an Artist, and creator of entertainment content, I think entertainment, and the (entertainment) arts have changed the world for the better.  Exceptional films and art require exceptional artists.

America’s history is exceptional as I see it.  From the early days of colonialism and revolution, to the Civil War, the Gold Rush, and the World Wars… From the 1950's suburban culture, wealth and abundance, to leisure and luxury exceeding anything in recorded history.  With great abundance generally comes great creativity and art.  It is easier to be creative if an artist isn’t concerned about food, shelter and other basics.  America, and especially California, freed up a level of creativity, innovation, imagination, arts and artists – allowing so many artist to pursue happiness through art, making their dreams come true – that the Hollywood dream became synonymous with the American dream.  Hollywood, like America itself, is where anyone can become a rich or famous global mega-star.  Hollywood is, for its global platform, always looking for exceptional talent, artists and entrepreneurs.

America is a popularity contest at its democratic core, and so is Hollywood.  It's so “high school”… and just like high school kids, you get older and they stay the same age.  Hollywood is exceptional in that, no matter who you are, what you look like, or what you believe, you can be made globally famous or infamous (famous against your will) by Hollywood, rich and famous beyond your wildest dreams.  It happens all the time.  Hollywood finds exceptional people and uses them to sell products; to make money.  It’s a thriving business model.  The truly exceptional people in Hollywood are those who thrive in its crazy business, and those who have exceptional talent, work ethic, beauty and/or brains.  To be exceptional in Hollywood, to be exceptionally talented, rich or famous, is to be exceptional on the world stage.

Hollywood is always looking for exceptional talent, and exceptional amounts of money to fund its films.  Hollywood has always been an exceptional industry, built by exceptional people, in exceptional times, in exceptional freedom, in an exceptional state and country…now with exceptional tools, strategies, and global markets unlike anything in history, or ever before in history.

Not all exceptionalism is equal, especially in a value driven market of commercialism capitalist meritocracy popularity contest media content.  Not all exceptionalism is measured and valued by the same scale.  And the definition of exceptional is essentially ever-changing, or continuously assessed… So it is easy to get exceptionally and detrimentally obsessed with being “exceptional” and losing sight of what is truly important in life:  Happiness.

Being able to pursue happiness is the key to unleashing the power of exceptionalism, as I see it.

Sometimes, exceptional people are not happy until they have done exceptional things.  Sometimes people are made exceptional because they are called upon or forced to do exceptional things.  Sometimes people find themselves in exceptional circumstance and events.

I believe that all people hold the capacity for world-changing greatness and exceptionalism.

Reaching for your dreams, striving for greatness, striving to change the world for the better, and wanting to be exceptional is a good thing.  It drives creativity, innovation, and civilization forward in meaningful and constructive ways.   Exceptionalism has a tremendous capacity for good.

I feel we live in exceptional times.  There are more people on the planet than ever, and we are off the charts and into uncharted territory that is, without exception, exceptional in history.  The events of the past century, decade and even the past year, are exceptional in world history.  The world is more connected and interconnected than ever before.  I see exceptional change continuing and happening faster.  The more happiness in the world, the more creativity and the more prosperity there will be.

Exceptional times call for exceptional people.

Exceptional people are needed more than ever, and exceptionalism should be encouraged.  Be exceptional.  Find your dream and run with it.  See your vision and create.  Develop your idea and build.  You can change the world for the better if you really want to.

If you think you can change the world for the better, you are exceptional. The world needs exceptional people to be aware of, and help solve, its exceptional problems.  
Be exceptional.

If you were drawn to read this, and read it in its entirety, then you are exceptional.

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