The New York Times reported today that one out of evcery 100 people is in prison.
This is out of control? Isn't it? America has more people behind bars than even China. Many states spend more on Prisons than they do on higher education!!! Something has to change... this seems completely out of control to me.
We need to figure out a cheaper way to deal with people. We need to get everyone that can work, working for the economy somehow. Working on road, building things or manufacturing something. Whit collar criminals should be punished by forced labor by the governenment. If they do a bad job, or constantly show poor work, the sentence continues. They should pay there debt to society by working for society. This is where I think planeting microchips comes in. --If you commit a felony you have lost the right to privacy-- This way people can be tracked.
For the length of their sentence they must live in governemt housing, and ride a special buss to and from work at there specified state job. If they attempt to go anywhere else, there punishment time gets longer. If they deviate again. They are incarcerated. They would be required to clean and do other chores, much like Army personell. The whole thing would be much like a non-volunteer Army. Because criminals cannot be trusted with weapons we cannot send them to combat. Peace keeping mission abroad would be a possibility for some people. Drugs and alcohol would be strictly forbidden and random testing would be done ontiop of weekly testing.
This would save the government BILLIONS and would not only help rehabilitate people and put them to work for the society they harmed but also teach people who never had a teacher. Education would also be mandatory for all who cannot pass a standardized test. Certian inmates/participants could follow classes over the internet and work towards degrees.
Also to spead the process along, all capital crimes that have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt (unequivical DNA or video proof) should be processed immediatley and the criminals executed within a year.
I know it seems harsh but when you think about how it cost's almost $40,000 to house and watch these people, it is more than obvious that that money should be spend elswhere, like on education and crime prevention!!!
Just my thoughts
Friday, February 29, 2008
1 out of 100???
Posted by
2:21 PM
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