No one is going to think anything of TWB until someone from TWB sells a script. Or until someone finds a script on TWB and buys it.
And the people whose thoughts matter are never going to even know about TWB unless that film is made AND makes money.
There is no getting around that.
So the question then becomes How is someone at TWB going to sell a script?
If you ask me you should make it a group effort. Write great scripts, with peer reviews et al. Collaborate and share methods and contacts, have four people work on getting one script seen and sold. You stand a much better chance focusing on one script, than four people working on four scripts or eight.
Find a project to rally around, work as a team to write it, promote it, get it buz, get it seen and read. Then if you sell it the credit TWB and the main contridutors. This would make TWB the contact that it so needs. It would make it a place where scripts go to get polished and sold, and it would give it cred that would make Agents or producers more likely to look for material.
What is important to remember is that everyone at TWB is writing 'Spec Scripts'. No one asked for them, they were written on speculation and by definition need to be four quadrant high concept, very marketable stories. Juno is the perfect example. No Country for Old Men would never sell on Spec.
I moved to LA almost two years ago and have worked on TV shows, feature films, Agencies, and management companies. I have leanred so much in this and i am still trying to understand how it all works... when you think you know, it all changes again or the rules you thought existed are all being broken. There is a definitate path to the biz, and Lit agents and producers can smell an outsider from a mile away. If you don't follow the path you will never get anywhere. There are shortcuts and there are hurdles. But if you don't even know the path you will wander aimlessly forever.
So what is the path?
Know someone in the biz who wants to help you.
Write a verified excellent Spec script; marketable catchy, relevant, and interesting. Make sure everyone knows about it; agents, producers, managers. Find that one person that wants to make it and buy it. Pray it makes money.
I have feel I am getting close and I am building up some contacts of my own, but i am not in a place to get anyone elses material read, especially if it is not amazingly good. I have enough trouble getting my material read! Remember you are competing with thousands of writers who have sold scripts, so it has to be really good or really original to even have a chance.
The issue with TWB is that is doesn't help people like me: young, in LA and work in the biz, and aspiring screewriter. When I first began looking for help in my screenwriting career/mission I found TWB. I was immature and rambuctions; but was overly criticized, even discouraged here. I went elsewhere for help and found it. Today I have a great relationship with a Literary Agent and I make new contacts on every job. I know it's only a matter of time before I write a perfect spec and get it into the right hands. It takes a lot of work, dedication and timing. But I am in for the long haul.
I think there is a definate place for TWB. This thread got me thinking about TWB and how I used it. There were some great discussons from 2005 I am copying before they get deleted. The way I see TWB today is the same way any Agency or Production house is going to see it? What have you done for me lately? No one is this biz is going to stick there neck out for you. It's unwise. It is better to say no on something that seems viable, than to say yes on something, spend millions and be totally wrong.
I know many 'senior members' don't like me as far as I can tell. None have really been helpful to me whe I asked for it; so it is hard for me to want to help them. I am in a position to help people these days but I have found a circle that I trust and that supports me, we support eachother. Helping people is a great way to help yourself. The sucess of your friends is your success right? Choose your friends well.
Once my membership expires I will not be renewing it. Wish me luck! I wish TWB the best of luck. Don't stop beleiving.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
TWB Farwell
Posted by
11:09 AM
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