This Democratic Primary is something isn't it? Who would have thought it would drag out this long? Hillary didn't.
But there is nothing like a good fight to gather the crowds and rally the party. This Primary is so important and so viscious because we all know that a democrat is going to win the White House. I think most people are so tired of the Repilican gaurd (including the planet) that it is all but certian. This fight for the Democratic nomination is so huge because it is essentially a fight for the presidency.
** John McCain is just to old and stale for most Americans. Huckabee just likes to campaign, go on TV and collect money from people, he's not a bad guy, but let's be honest he's in it for the fame. He doesn't strike me as Presidential at all.**
So which canidate should be President? Barack or Hillary?
Change is something we will get no matter which of our choices we elect... The question is what kind of change do you want, or to what degree?
I like Barack Obama, he is smart, articulate and a burst of life into a stale and rigid system. I look forward to great things from him. I want to see more of what he stands for, more of what he can do as a leader. But I don't think it is his time to be president.
I personally support Hillary. I think she is more prepared, she has more skills and abilities to get things done. She knows the world leaders, knows the policies, knows what she wants and needs to do to get things back to where they were before the Bush/Rove/Cheney debacle. I want a President who supports and is friendly with California. I think it is time America has a Woman president and I think that Hillary is the most qualified.
Barack has run an awesome campaign, he has vitalized, galvanized and the disenfranchised with his messages. He has great support (Obviosuly the Kennedy's are going to support him because it suits there image as much or more than it suits his, Oprah should stay out of Polotics and just stick to giving stuff away. He also has support from Repulicans who just want to hurt Hillary.) and is no doubt a fine man, and a long needed leader and role model for Black America.
He has become a trend and I am always weary of trends. I feel Barack is un-tested. By comparison he has no credit history and is seeking to buy a mansion. I'm not saying he can't afford it... he very well could, i'm just saying, if I was the Bank I would want a little more credit history before I give out such a loan. America is in a delicate place right now and experience is essential to getting things done, and even more so for undueing things that have already been done. Running America is no easy task and if you don't know what you are doing, or who you can trust, or who can help you or who is out to hurt you... things can go sour. I like that Hillary has been through this all already. She survived the worst smear campaign the Republicans could muster. No easy feat.
I also understand why she voted for the war. She, like most people thought it would be like the first Gulf War, quick and easy. It is not her fault that Billions were wasted and 'dissappeared'. That Halliburton didn't rebuild, or the Rumsfeld allowed the torturing of people. America cannot help but be involved in the Middle East. The Saudi's wanted us to dispose of him, Isreal wanted us to dispose of him, and Exxon wanted the oil. America needed that oil to stabalize it's economy, we needed to bring change to the region, the question was only how?
Bush Co.'s method of maddness f*cked Iraq up royally, wasted billions and dragged it on for as long as it possibly could/can so the checks for Halliburton keep coming, and so we can secure our control over the oil. It has all been done on purpose, there is no mistake about it.
I understand why Barack would vote against the war (remember it was a vote to dispose Sadaam, not a vote to send 140,000 troops over to Iraq for 5 years), but I also know why Hillary would vote for it.
No one wants this to get ugly, but everyone likes a fight. Obviously I am going to support whomever the nominie is but I would love to see a Hillary Obama ticket. I think that would be the best way to unify the party, and that way Barack would be fully prepared for the Presidency 4 or 8 years later.
Change we will have no matter what, and that is something I can't wait for!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Hillary or Obama?
Posted by
3:50 PM
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